Enchanted Moments

128 Main Street Milford, OH 45150


Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus: A Remarkable Herbal Treasure

We are thrilled to announce that we have acquired whole Blue Lotus flowers, making them an exceptional addition to any herbal home pharmacy.

The Blue Lotus holds a significant place in the history of herbal medicine, with particular reverence in Egypt. It boasts a rich history as a "Heal-All" and has been celebrated as the ancestral flower in mythological creation stories. While it is often considered a nervous system tonic (nervine), its healing potential is extensive. Studies have also explored its lymph decongestant properties and uterine tonifying effects.

Creating an Alter

What is an Altar?

Having an altar in your home is one way in which you can connect to the sacred and your spirituality on a daily basis. Here are some tips on how you can get started. Whether it’s sacred time, place, relationships, there is a human craving for that which is to be revered and respected. Having an altar in your home is one way in which you can connect to the sacred and your spirituality on a daily basis.